What do you desire?

What do you desire?

“The starting point of all achievement is desire”-Napoleon Hill.

We all desire things in life. I’m not talking about the necessities. I’m talking about a life that would blow our ancestor’s minds! In reaching your point of Prosperity, you have to want more and aspire more than the average person. Not that its anything wrong with being average, but why would you want to be that anyway?

Let’s talk about the starting points. For me, it was these things:

Desire: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Attraction: the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something.

Achievement: a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.

Here are some of my desires, both past, and present in no particular order:

  1. Pursuing a career that would, that would yield multiple six figures and eventually considerable seven-figure income.

  2. Showing people how to win in every situation personally and professionally

  3. Traveling the world and experiencing all walks of life

  4. Having a life long partner with a man that adores me, and I love him

  5. Having kids that carry out my wealth in areas that would benefit the world

  6. Living a lifestyle beyond my wildest dreams

What are your desires, and did you speak them, write them and execute them? Many of us tell people our dreams and plans all the time, but many of us fail to write it out or design the blueprint. Some of us will do these two things and never start the construction of the blueprint.

They never executed, and those desires are still dreams.

Next, what do you want to attract? Your attraction goals should be in line with your desires.

My first desire was to pursue a career that would yield the multiple six figures and ultimately seven figures. How do you attract that? You study those who are already doing it and invite yourself into their world. You make them your mentor…what do you mean you make them your mentor? You watch and study from afar. If you want to take it to the next level and get one on one coaching, “what I call the hands-on approach,” you enlist in a program to scale your life.

The attraction part of this is the action of evoking interest. When you’re pursuing your desires and are focused, you naturally attract and eventually become the person you set out to be. People love a person who is about their goals and business, especially a person who doesn’t complain about the ups and downs but learns and grows with gratitude.

Lastly, achieving your desires takes a lot of courage. This is where people get stuck. You do all this dreaming, all this planning, and you don’t execute. Why? Because you’re scared or afraid of what everyone will think of you. You’re worried you may fail. You’re worried or fearful because what if it works? What’s next?

The answer is Endless Possibilities!

Yours in Prosperity,

Deborah Flemming Bradley